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You’ll notice that several people contributed to multiple WCSB candidates.
Cyndi Miller, 912 TN leader, RWWC 1st Vice President and 2014 County Commission candidate, and her husband are a financial force this year donating $3000 to six candidates in the “2014 Camp” (candidates supported by the same people and groups who brought us the 2014 challengers – Curlee, Burgos, Emerson, Cash, et al.) In 2014 the Millers donated $1000 to Curlee and $500 each to Burgos and Emerson and hosted campaign kickoff parties for Curlee and Burgos. They hosted Boothby’s campaign kickoff this year. Miller’s brother-in-law Andy donated $1500 to Luteran. Andy Miller is head of Tennessee Freedom Coalition, an anti-Islam group that has been designated a hate group by the U.S. Army.
Stuart Anderson, who donated $500 each to Czarneski, Mauck, Luteran and Boothby also donated $500 to Rep. Jeremy Durham this year.
William Morgan, a neighbor of County Commissioner Todd Kaestner, contributed $250 to all seven candidates in the Tea Party/912-endorsed cadre (candidates supported by the same people and groups who brought us the 2014 challengers – Curlee, Burgos, Emerson, Cash, et al.)
Former WCSB member Vicki Vogt contributed $150 to six candidates in the “reaction to the 2014 election” camp who are also supported by WillCo Rising PAC and/or the Williamson Business PAC.
In July, Rep. Glen Casada’s CAS PAC contributed $300 to D4 Joey Czarneski and $300 to D5 Julie Mauck. In 2014, Casada hosted campaign kickoff events for Susan Curlee, Beth Burgos, Candy Emerson and Paul Bartholomew and endorsed Dan Cash.