District 4 is east of Interstate 65 and includes Cool Springs as well as McKay’s Mill and the Clovercroft and Trinity areas. If you vote at Prairie Life, Millview Church of Christ or Franklin Christian, you’re in District 4. Confirm your district by entering your address here.

Brad Fiscus

Facebook page: Liked by District 4 WCSB member Anne McGraw, District 11 WCSB member KC Haugh, District 12 WCSB member Nancy Garrett
Current school engagement: Father of two Page High School students who previously attended Trinity Elementary and Page Middle
Professional: Director of Next Gen Discipleship in the Tennessee conference of The United Methodist Church; former biology and physical science teacher, student council advisor, freshman football coach, and assistant wrestling coach at Overton High School in Nashville; bachelor’s degree and Secondary Education Certification from Indiana University-Bloomington
History: Moved to the Nashville area in 1997 and relocated to Franklin in 1998
Politics: N/A
Other groups and associations: Board of Directors for Project Transformation Tennessee
Endorsements: Current District 4 WCSB member Anne McGraw
“I’m running because as a parent of kids who’ve been through the system and a former teacher, I believe that it’s time for folks like me to become involved in public service. Whatever I can do to help our schools have the resources they need is what we all need to be about.”
“This means that not only must we provide for their educational needs through having well-qualified teachers but we must also have adequate counselor staffing, school psychologists, behaviorists and others in place to address the behavioral health concerns of students.”
BUDGET: “We must work strategically with the County Commission, the Board of Mayor and Aldermen and the Franklin City Planning Commission to understand the real impact of growth upon infrastructure and, most importantly, upon our schools,” he said. “Growth that negatively impacts our children’s ability to learn due to overcrowded and outdated facilities is unacceptable.”
SCHOOL SAFETY: Fiscus is against arming teachers. He believes the district should focus on the psychological well-being of its students.
OTHER FOCUSES: “Encouraging school staff to build relationships with every student in the school system is critical,” Fiscus said. He plans to advocate for adequate counselor staffing and school psychologists in the district.
Andrew Voyles

Facebook page: Liked by District 6 WCSB member Jay Galbreath, District 11 WCSB member KC Haugh, County Commissioner Kathy Danner who endorsed Burgos, Curlee and Emerson ($150) in 2014, Laurie Cardoza-Moore in 2015, and Joey Czarneski in 2016
Current school engagement: Father of three WCS students
Professional: Executive Vice President / Director of Lending, First Community Mortgage, Inc.; bachelor’s degree from Indiana University
History: Moved to Williamson County in 2002
Politics: Aims to “exclude partisan politics from the school board” (4/5) but stands for “conservative, family centric values” (6/22); supports Republican candidate Chad Story and incumbent Gregg Lawrence for District 4 County Commissioner and even listed his WCRP membership on a July campaign mailer; qualified as a D4 WCSB candidate in 2014 but later withdrew his name from consideration allowing former WCSB member Paul Bartholomew to run unopposed
“It’s always been in my heart to serve in this capacity. When I was 19 years old, I interned in the mayor’s office in my hometown … I fell in love with local government.”

Both District 4 County Commission candidates, Gregg Lawrence and Chad Story, notably support the County Commission having line item veto power over the WCS budget.
Voyles co-hosted a reception/fundraiser with District 4 County Commission candidate Chad Story, D4 Republican County Commissioner Gregg Lawrence, and State Rep. Glen Casada. In 2016, Rep. Glen Casada’s CAS PAC contributed $300 each to WCSB candidates Joey Czarneski (D4) and Julie Mauck (D5). In 2014, Casada hosted School Board campaign kickoff events for Susan Curlee (resigned), Beth Burgos (resigned), Candy Emerson and Paul Bartholomew (resigned) and endorsed and contributed $500 to Dan Cash. Casada’s education platform has never been friendly toward WCS.

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Other groups and associations: Brentwood United Methodist Church leadership roles, fundraiser and program volunteer for the Davis House, Inc.
Endorsements: Williamson Business PAC (Voyles donated $500 to the PAC on 4/13 after filing his candidate petition on 4/3 – only 2018 PAC donor through 6/30), former WCSB member Tim McLaughlin, Franklin Alderman Bev Burger; campaigning with County Commissioner Kathy Danner

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“We have a lot of multi-family development in District 4. And with that growth will come rezoning. I want to make sure District 4 is not victim of poor zoning patterns.”
“In the private sector I’ve managed some pretty large budgets,” he said, noting that he’s been in the lending field for 20 years. “I want to take that experience and leverage it in this $350 million operating budget and see if I can come up with some cost reduction solutions.”
BUDGET: Voyles plans on drawing from his work experience, which includes managing large budgets in the private sector, to help the board address district funding concerns. “I want to take that experience and leverage it in this $350 million operating budget and see if I can come up with some cost-reduction solutions,” Voyles said. He added that he’d like to explore additional income opportunities for the district.
SCHOOL SAFETY: Voyles does not support arming teachers. He would like to see the district schedule regularly rehearsed intruder drills.
OTHER FOCUSES: Ensuring reasonable zoning patterns; moving toward online text book resources for students for cost control; and improving the WCS vendor vetting expense procurement process.
See our article “2018 District 4 School Board Race Takes a Partisan Turn” for more information.
Tim McLaughlin (announced on 7/2 that he will not run although his name will appear on the ballot)

Facebook page: N/A
Website: N/A
Current school engagement: N/A
Professional: Retired; former assistant superintendent for Rutherford County Schools in charge of all new school construction for six-and-a-half years
History: District 4 WCSB member from 2008-2014. In April 2014, Kathy Danner, District 4 County Commissioner, disclosed that there was a “team effort” coordinated by local community organizer Chuck Shelton and political consultant and Franklin Alderman Bev Burger (among others) to “vet” Williamson County School Board candidates.
“I have always supported Tim,” Danner said. Believing McLaughlin was going to seek re-election, she asked the person she had thought would be the best fit for the seat — if available — not to file. “In my opinion, you don’t run against an incumbent unless there’s a reason to fire the incumbent.” When asked about her references to wanting to put a conservative and Christian candidate in the race, Danner said, “The school board votes on issues that touch on those things that are considered ideologically conservative, and that’s something I support.”
Politics: Serves on the board of the Franklin Clapham Group with chair Bev Burger, 2014 WCSB candidate Patsy Writesman, and 2014-18 Williamson County Commissioner Sherri Clark. The mission of the Franklin Clapham Group is to “promote the application of a Biblical worldview in all spheres of life, including but not limited to, self-conduct, family, church and civil government, using all means possible.”
Other groups and associations: The Raining Season, a nonprofit that helps children in Sierra Leone, Africa
Endorsements: TBD
“With the number of kids coming in every year, we’ve got to get a handle on how to reduce costs in school construction.”
See our article “2018 District 4 School Board Race Takes a Partisan Turn” for more information.
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